Promotional Strategies |
- Opt-In E-mail -
An Opt-In e-mail marketing campaign sends bulk e-mail messages, but only to lists of people who asked to join the list. (Some durisdictions have made "spam" -- the mass mailing of unsolicited e-mail -- illegal. In those jurisdictions, opt-in e-mail is the only legal form of bulk e-mail marketing.)
- Viral Marketing - A marketing technique whereby Web site visitors or e-mail recipients are encourage to pass along the company's marketing message to friends, colleagues and/or family, thereby creating exponential growth in the message's reach.
- Newsletter sponsorship and text advertising
- E-book sponsorship or production credit
- Co-branding with companies whose products are complementary to your own
- Affiliate programs
- A "featured business" listing
- Allow customers to opt-in for partnered messages
- Sponsored content, white papers and reports
- Sponsored polls